
Let's create an array:

var fruits = ['peach', 'banana', 'lemon', 'strawberry'];

You see that we use square brackets [] to create an array.


We can get how many items are in an array with the length attribute:

console.log(fruits.length); // 4

Getting items

Arrays are ordered which means that the each item is stored in a numbered position/slot.

You can get any value from an array through an index:

var firstItem = fruits[0];
console.log(firstItem); // peach


If you pass an index that is outside of the bounds of the array, then you will get an undefined value.

Adding items

We can add items by calling the push() function with new value(s):

fruits.push('blackberry', 'mango');

Removing items

We can delete/remove the last item from an array by calling the pop() function:


Updating items

You can change the value of an item by using the index:

fruits[2] = 'pineapple';

Any type

You can add items of different types in an array:

var stuff = [32, 'bike', false, [12, 32]];


Normally, you group things together that are of the same type because you want to manipulate items in a specific way based on their type.