
Can we get the total price of phones?

Yes, with the reduce function 😏

We are going to calculate the total price of all phones in an array.

First we need an array of phones:

let phones = [
  { model: 'iPhone SE', price: 450.00, color: 'white' },
  { model: 'Samsung S9', price: 900.00, color: 'black' },
  { model: 'LG G7', price: 740.00, color: 'black' }

Procedural way

Let's see the procedural approach first

let totalPhonePrice = 0;

for (let i = 0; i < phones.length; i++) {
  const phone = phones[i];
  totalPhonePrice += phone.price;


Functional way

We can use the reduce function:

let totalPhonePrice = _.reduce(phones, (acc, phone) => {
  return acc + phone.price
}, 0)


There are 2 things to notice here:

  1. acc stands for the accumulator. This is the value accumulated from each item.
  2. there is 0 passed as the thrid argument. This is again related to the accumulator and is the initial value / the starting point of the accumulator.


If we don't pass an initial value for the accumulator (in our case 0), then the default value is the first element of the array.

So, can we leave it out? No! The first item is a Phone object and JavaScript doesn't know to take its price attribute only, instead it takes the whole object and it returns a mess 😂


The reduce function takes an array and "reduces" / narrows the array to only one value (in our case a number representing the sum of prices).