
Let's create a function which capitalizes each word in a sentence using Regex.

The Regex expression that we are going to use is this:


Let's analyse this expression:

  • \w – matches any word (lower and upper letters, numbers, underscore)
  • \S* – matches any non-whitespace character
      • – Quantifier: matches between zero and unlimited times
  • /g – global (all matches – don't return after the first match)

We can visit this website and paste the Regex expression there to read the explanation:

Now, let's create a function to use this expression.

function capitalizeEachWord (text) {
  return text.replace(/\w\S*/g, word => {
    var firstLetter = word.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
    var rest = word.substr(1).toLowerCase();
    return firstLetter + rest;

Then, we can call it with some random text:

var text = "i am going to have brunch in the city";
var capitalizedText = capitalizeEachWord(text);

And we get the text capitalized:

I Am Going To Have Brunch In The City